EU Toys Directive EN 71

The EU Toys Directive EN 71 regulates the safety of toys with the aim of ensuring a high level of protection across Europe. The EU Toys Directive is divided into several categories:

  • EN 71 Part 1: The first part concerns specifically, rules on technical and structural safety, meaning those relating to the mechanical and physical properties of toys.
  • EN 71 Part 2: The second part regulates the safety requirements regarding the flammability of toys.
  • EN 71 Part 3: The third part deals with the chemical properties of toys. Allergenic fragrances are for example prohibited, while limit values ​​are stipulated for the migration of elements such as antimony, arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury and selenium. The limits can be found on the homepage of the Bundesinstituts für Risikobewertung (BfR) (Federal Institute for Risk Assessment):

The testing and certification of toys must be carried out by the manufacturer on the finished product. However part 3 is an exception. If manufacturers of children's toys use materials already tested according to EN 71 Part 3, this partial test is not applicable.

For this reason selected fabrics from our range are already tested according to EN 71 Part 3 with the result that all tested products meet the requirements.